

Jánišíkove dni (JD) is a cultural folklore event, which takes every year place in the town of Terchova. Due to its size and long tradition it is one of the most important in Slovakia. Maybe a bigger reputation has only the festival Východná. As the festival Východná has a backstage made by the Tatra mountains – the Slovak state symbol, so JD has the town of Terchova a with it Juraj Jánošík (Slovak version of Robin Hood) and Veľký Rozsutec, which has a similar profile like Kriváň. I have visited JD to the second time now, even I´m visiting Terchova in the last years regularly. What catches you in the first moment is the relaxed atmosphere and the mass enthusiasm. This mass enthusiasm manifests itself most when the whole amphitheatre sings as one man the anthem of Terchova: „V pondelok doma nebudem, ...“. I heared somewhere that Terchova should become an UNESCO side, because the number of residents is equal to the number of musicians. This fact is proven be the highlight of the Saturday evening, when the conductor dresses half way in a tailcoat and half way in folk costume conducts the Terchova orchestra consisting on several tens of members. An interesting fact is that the whole orchestra meets only one a year, before the JD – here you can see the perfect harmony. And on the other hand the composition of the orchestra is interesting. In the first rows you can see teenagers, following by older generation as you look higher and higher, closing it with the 80 years old.