I know Agnes through her husband, which is a good friend of mine, so at that time Mrs. Agnes Miksch. Who knows her, than yes, also back then she was a big mouth ;). Nevertheless, this characteristic of her does not change the fact that her hearth is on the right place. I´m not sure what was the trigger of her personal and later public fight again cancer, but the fact that she has a deadly cancer case in her family had for sure an impact on her. Agnes is now for several years the organizer and founder of the charity music festival Motol Motolice, were all the money taken from the entrance and dedicated is going to the charity Nation of Children. If it would be not enough, Agnes decided to go even further and to supper the basic research of cancer treatment. So the project 1000 braves was born. I helped her with the first propagation pictures which were later used in an magazine interview. You can see the chosen pictures and the whole interview in the attached magazine article. Good luck Agnes!